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Secrets of Keeping your Body and Mind Healthy

We all hear that eating right food is important. With the change in your lifestyle, eating habits and meeting the deadline in your office, the number of diseases and health issues have increased. In fact, people are shifting to eating healthy to eating fast, which broadly includes fast foods. And, next step is to look for a one on one health coaching program.
But, before this, you can take the right step and develop healthy habits that will lead to a healthy body.

Eat Healthy Breakfast  
The first meal of the day is very important. Studies say that eating healthy lowers the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart diseases.
Instead of eating consuming sugar-laden cereals made with refined grains, better to eat oatmeal, bran or any other whole grain cereal having high-fiber. Along with this, you can also take proteins in milk, yogurt or chopped nuts. There are many other healthy options as well.

Count your Carbohydrates
Although carbohydrates are the main source of energy, one must consume them in the right manner. Around 45-65 percent of your calories are taken from this, but you must be careful about the source from where you consume it. Instead of eating them from processed food, it’s better to eat fruits, grains, vegetables and beans. They make you feel full for longer duration and gives continuous energy to the body. In addition, healthy carbohydrates also help in maintaining the sugar level of the body. Even one on one health coaching program experts suggests eating healthy carbohydrates.
Eat Protein Rich Snacks
Protein is important in repairing, maintaining and growing the body. Proteins are also important building muscles, which is why people who love work out eat protein rich food. It also works as a substitute in case of less intake of carbohydrates. One can consume protein from poultry food, red meat, fish, dairy and eggs.

Increase your Food and Vegetables
As you all know, fruits and vegetables are an essential source of vitamins, minerals, natural fiber and more. These all nutrients are important for proper functioning of the body; so, one must increase its intake. Consume different types of fruits to enjoy different tastes and nutrients.

Consume Healthy Fats
Unsaturated fats decrease inflammation and help increase calories. Although fat is what we try to fuel during our exercise, yet we have plenty of it stored in our body. In order to consume the healthy source of fats, eat nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, etc.

Fuel yourself with Proteins and Carbohydrates before Exercise 
It is very important to consume carbohydrates and proteins before exercise to burn right amount of fats. Pre-workout snacks will include a combination of proteins and carbohydrates that increase your energy level. Eating bananas, nuts, grapes, oranges, etc. can help you gain a healthy body and muscles.
With the intake of right food, you can gain right weight and a healthy body despite a hectic schedule. Consulting one on one health coaching program is a good option that will increase the overall health of the body in a much better way. 


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